Natural Gas Safety and Science

Natural Gas Safety and Science

The energy we use comes from natural resources Natural gas can be burned to create heat. It is one of many natural resources that people use for their energy needs. Other energy sources that come from nature include:









Some energy sources are renewable . This means they can be replenished in a short period of time, so they can be used over and over again and will never be all used up. Some are nonrenewable , which means they will someday be used up. Guess and confirm Read the section above. Circle the energy sources that you think are renewable and put a box around those that you think are nonrenewable. Confirm your answers through research, either online or in your school library. How natural gas gets to us Natural gas remained underground for hundreds of millions of years before humans began using it. Today, geologists can locate natural gas very far underground and drill deep holes called wells to pump it up to the earth’s surface. Utilities use large, buried pipelines to carry gas from wells to cities and towns. Smaller pipes bring gas to buildings and into appliances and equipment.


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