Electrical Safety World

Which Bulbs Will Light?

Whichof these circuits are closedpaths that will allowelectricity to travel ina loop andmake thebulb light?Showwhether each circuit is closedor openby putting an “X” in the correct circle.Writewhy you think so.

l Open l Closed Why?

l Open l Closed Why?

l Open l Closed Why?

l Open l Closed Why?

l Open l Closed Why?

l Open l Closed Why?

DidYouGuessRight? Get twoDbatteries, a flashlight bulb, and four piecesof insulatedcopperwirestrippedat theends. Set up thematerialsas they areshown in the illustrations. (Hint: use tape toholdyour circuit together.)Wereyou right aboutwhichcircuitswere closedandwhichwereopen?


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